Mood: mild, recovering from nasty lingering cold
Music: KEXP Seattle Radio
Weather: Dark now, but was so beautifully sunny! Yay!
I'd like to take this post to give thanks, in a traditional observation of the American holiday, Thanksgiving.
First, I want to say that I thanks all those wonderful people in my life. There are so many people that make life so sweet, add a unique flavor to the spice of life. From my brothers whom I can never send enough hugs of gratitude out to and my parents for always being there for me.

For the friends that weave the delicate bonds of support and sharing through days, nights, troubles and joys. For my extended family back in the States who continue to support my being, whether near or far. And for my new extended family here in Sweden, for reaching out to their son's girlfriend through hugs, suggestions for cold recovery and appreciation for talents I have to share. My "old" coworkers from various institutions that have continued to keep in touch because work doesn't just stay at work; we create interwoven lives with all the people we encounter. Thanks for being in the mix too! (CCR, Caribou girls and family, GJ ladies too)

Secondly to God. Hardly a second place, but that without Him, I wouldn't even be here to say thanks to all these other great things that I enjoy and appreciate in life, not to forget the little things that I don't quite consciously notice that contribute to such great things!
And then a generic one to encompass the beautiful things all around us. Even the wet cold Swedish weather has it gorgeous moments, like today, it was magnificently sunny and the blue of the sky is unlike any I have seen in the States, truly. Not to forget these pretty pics from this autumn. I mean, I've never seen so many blueberries; it compared with the wild blackberries of Seattle, that grow wild everywhere, and I mean everywhere... and totally edible! I wasn't sure if these were, but they sure looked inviting!!

I'm even thankful for the Swedish language. I'm still just grasping this language, but it somehow feels empowering. I mean, I can relate in a new way to how Thanksgiving must have been founded. Immigrants taking a time out to feast with friends and enjoy what they have. I can truly relate with the new found struggle of being that immigrant. You really do have to be above par to get anywhere. You need to have skills, practice, experience, both languages... fluently! and you need to want it more. I'll save that for another post.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!
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