16 September 2006

Sunny Days

Mood: relaxed
Music: the wind outside
Swedish for the day: engelksa, spanska, svenska = english, spanish, swedish
Sverige = Sweden

We've now had a whole week of sunshine! I really cannot believe it. I think... oddly enough, my U.S. homeplace is experiencing autumn weather, with a cool down and quite a bit of shade? Crazy how opposite that can be. It's been so beautiful all week, warm even... in the afternoons. I'm so taking advantage of it. Being productive with my projects and going for little extra bike rides... even enjoying ICED teas. (Crazy, huh Sarah?)

Swedish is a crazy thing. It's got some huge similaries to english... but then there's words that are so obtuse... it's discouraging. But... I can tell that over-all the grammer has a lot less rules and verbs have less formats; but the organization of it all is still a huge challenge. Remembering words is equally difficult. I'm definately gonna start increasing my study time during the week. Swedish is my main thing right now... in order to get into this society... so I think I feel like I gotta learn it... and the more I can stay on top or even ahead of class, the more confident I feel over all. It's tough though. I mean, my memory isn't so flash as it was just 5 years ago... so I think that's surprising too; on top of wanting to learn a whole new language A.S.A.P.

None the less, Doug's truly my best supporter and cheerleader. I cannot thank him enough for that. He helps me keep it real and not get too lost in trying to learn the language too fast, too frustratedly, and/or too self criticized. Instead to pace myself, relax once in a while, just take it steady... I can't help but feel like I need to put in that time though. By the end of an almost 30 hour study week, I truly am burnt by the weekend. I always have ambitions of staying at the same pace... like 3+ hours a day, but I just don't. It ends up like 1-2 a day for up to only about 4 for the whole weekend. Ah, I'm getting by though. I really am very hard on myself. I mean, as Doug pointed out... what could I say before the class started? and now? how well am I deciphering sentences? pretty good with the exception of past tense verb forms and a few vocab type words. In celebration of my progress I'll might write a little passage for ya... and then of course, tell you what it means. Good practice too.

Keeping the nose to the books. phew!

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