Swedish of the day: Jag kan förstå en liten mer svenska! = I can understand a little more Swedish!
I was super proud yesterday when Nils (Doug's uncle) called and I answered the phone. Of course, answering with something like, Lauren here. But then of course, he breaks into the Swedish, like I do English. He asked, "Hur mår du?" I proudly answered, "Jag är bra, och en liten trött." He was pretty excited that I actually answered with confidence and said some more about the day and did we go shopping, I said, "Nej, I have been studying." (in english) where he responded that I need to study a lot? and did I understand him? I said, "Ja, jag förstår du." I could hear him smile and he responded with saying that I'm learning very fast. I said, "Ja, det är snabbt, mycket snabbt." Again, he was smiling, I could totally tell. Then, he asked to speak to Doug, mind you, all his was in Swedish. I said, "Ja, javisst!" I was so proud, even if my responses were really short, I actually understood the small talk and could respond back to them!!! Yay yay!
In a nut shell, here's a translation of our comments:
- "Hur mår du?" = How are you/How do you feel?
- "Jag är bra, och en liten trött." = I am good/well, and a little tired.
- Nej = nah, no
- "Ja, jag förstår du." = Yes, I understand you.
- Ja, det är snabbt, mycket snabbt." = Yes, it is fast, very fast.
- "Ja, javisst!" = Yes, of course!
- Hej då! = Bye!