This rock festival was too much for words... so I'll try to add some to the few picutres I managed to snag and capture. As the festival wore on, it grew more challenging to just pause and take pictures... especially since energy was so lacking. So, hope you like them!

Anders here is working 1 of the 3 moped kiosks that make up Caffee Italiano. On the right pic, Cristina is on the right coaching him. He's had training in Malmö for barista training, but until this festival, hasn't actually worked with it yet! He learned quickly and was totally open to coaching. What a cool sport.

Ted, you're absolutely right, they're drivable 3 wheeled mopeds. This brown one was stationed in the main way "outside" by a ton of shops and food stalls.

The red one from the other post I worked at and we drove it in 2 or 3 afternoons to an area that you need to be secured to enter and then you can enjoy all the music you want. So, we started on the "outside" for the mornings and then about 12-2pm we'd move "inside" nearer the bands and people! Well, inside, we were perfectly positioned to be near the 3 biggest bandstands (ahem Aerosmith) and 2 were just in other areas. The 3rd moped was always on the "inside" and nearer one of those other areas just mentioned.

Next here is the bandstand that the 3rd moped was nearer to. And another shot with peoples and then more so. Each afternoon bringing more and more. The last days, it'd been so crazy to capture the masses! These were from Wednesday and Thursday only.

These next were attemts at catching just a bit of the place these folks called home for about a week. That's right, lots and lots of tents. These extended so much further than I even cared to wander!

My new friends fortunately had one more space in their camper so I didn't need to set up my new tent. Sometimes, it was a blessing, and other times, just plain sauna quality. But it was cool not to have to worry about my things in a tent!

Here's finally a photo of the 3rd moped. It's sweeter than the rest because it's bigger and has an access door on the side. What's cooler still is Cristina here, is wearing a t-shirt that says: "I love snowboarding." How cool is that? Have I mentioned how much I like this girl? Cool chic. So, looking at the espresso machine straight on, then around to the right would be the stage you saw above. to the left and further are the other 3 I was nearer and at the meeting point of (and by the watering hole).

I think this whole festival had cleaning issues.

Throughout the night, garbage sat, and this was only Wednesday morning... didn't actually start until Wednesday afternoon! Here's one of many situations where I saw groups of cleaners (städ = clean) just standing around idle.
Meat anyone? kött kött = meat meat.

I just loved this sign. Made me think of all the vegetarians I've known and know of... but seriously, meat anyone?

Or rather water anyone? This place got so toasty, well over 80 degrees. And crazy open sun, no cloud relief. So hot in the afternoon.

We were parked right by this here watering hole. Even got our water there too. But I'll tell ya, the people would flock after a band ended like there was only the 2 things, water and the bands, but I understand they flocked everywhere too... food, beer... you know, important things.

See the poor earth? That used to be green and grassy. It's so torn up, that it's just dust and loose soil. The crowds literally kicked it all up with the evening bands too. Huge multi-story dust clouds would move with them. If you had to walk in it, well, brace your eyes and get ready for sting and a bit of coughing as you breathe in the dirt. Quite nasty. But I guess, it's better than if it rained? Just can't tell personally, but I suppose they're right.
Ted, I'm proud you actually looked at the photos from the last post. Because I have never seen so many people only clad in undies as they walk about. A man in boxers? yeah, a woman in a bra and briefs?

oh yeah, and a man in a thong? sadly, even so! I don't have many pics of them due to never having the camera at the ready for them... but I don't think you'll miss seeing them. Would've had to put a rating on this blog then, don't you think?
This here last photo was a fun moment whereby this fellow played a little complimentary air guitar for us as we were so shearly exhausted on the last night (Saturday). These sorts of folks made the festival so much fun; got to admit.
I hope you guys enjoyed the festival tour. Feel free to ask more questions, I'm just spent and don't quite know where else to elaborate.