I have been tagged by my sweetie sister in law,
Sarah. Since she has tagged me and I haven't written in a while, I will use this as an opportunity to do so; so, here goes. Sad to say, however, I don't know how random my points will be... but I hope fun anyways.
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
1. I have officially begun a new craft. Knitting! And I love it. I find it the most wonderful get-a-way from studying Swedish. Perhaps, one day I can knit little cupcakes and "treats" for my niece, Cadence and my new nephew, Shepherd. But here is a pic of my 2 new completed projects, a deer printed cloth and a little java sweater!
2. I went to Catholic schools in primary school but switched to public schools in middle school and for high school. Although the classmates were rougher over all, I found the education to be far more quality over all... until I hit Universities.
DePaul was far more interesting and quality than University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, however, neither had any religious leaning.

3. I thought I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do after college, but after business school realized that I know
not what I want to do. I still have no idea what to do other than coffee related industry work, since I feel sadly, but yet in a way advantaged to know. I have a job and my peers need one. So, that's cool, but, I can't really tell if I really want to stay in it... I think I will for a time being. It's easier, I do know it and understand it, and well, I think
Caffe Itlaiano and I work amazing well together.

4. I love to cook! Getting gourmet is one of my favorite things! Take this Mushroom Bisque Soup for example! Oh yum. I made this lovely number inspired from the soup we had at the wedding. I used 2 huge
portabellos, a few fresh
shitakes I think, and a massive amount of these lovely button mushrooms! Oh yum. I wish you all could have tasted it.
5. I think I have to have chocolate almost each and every day.
6. I actually gave up coffee drinking for about a whole year and a half, and caffeine for about 2 years. I actually loved it... after all the toxins were out, but now have returned to having a bit almost every day.

I enjoyed only very small pockets of high school or college. In fact I will say that I hated most of those 8 years. I'm very glad to be out and have a different mindset should I go back to any given university.
8. My favorite colour is a rainbow, not orange. I really enjoy all colours, not just orange, although it is uniquely friendly and warm and
apparently, as I'm noticing, an extremely popular colour with blue and/or green in web design!
So, now it is my turn to tag this fun randomness to another. David and Ted, my blogging brothers, and my soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Becki, consider yourselves "it"!