Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
1. I have officially begun a new craft. Knitting! And I love it. I find it the most wonderful get-a-way from studying Swedish. Perhaps, one day I can knit little cupcakes and "treats" for my niece, Cadence and my new nephew, Shepherd. But here is a pic of my 2 new completed projects, a deer printed cloth and a little java sweater! YAY!
2. I went to Catholic schools in primary school but switched to public schools in middle school and for high school. Although the classmates were rougher over all, I found the education to be far more quality over all... until I hit Universities. DePaul was far more interesting and quality than University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, however, neither had any religious leaning.

3. I thought I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do after college, but after business school realized that I know not what I want to do. I still have no idea what to do other than coffee related industry work, since I feel sadly, but yet in a way advantaged to know. I have a job and my peers need one. So, that's cool, but, I can't really tell if I really want to stay in it... I think I will for a time being. It's easier, I do know it and understand it, and well, I think Caffe Itlaiano and I work amazing well together.

5. I think I have to have chocolate almost each and every day.
6. I actually gave up coffee drinking for about a whole year and a half, and caffeine for about 2 years. I actually loved it... after all the toxins were out, but now have returned to having a bit almost every day.

8. My favorite colour is a rainbow, not orange. I really enjoy all colours, not just orange, although it is uniquely friendly and warm and apparently, as I'm noticing, an extremely popular colour with blue and/or green in web design!
So, now it is my turn to tag this fun randomness to another. David and Ted, my blogging brothers, and my soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Becki, consider yourselves "it"!
Sorry, I don't really have a blog for this kind of content. It was fun to ready your "random" list. See you soonish--a little over a month.
ReplyDeleteI will have to think about it for a little while. Then I'll get to writing and posting it.
Thanks for playing, Lauren! And your knitting looks AWESOME! I never could get the hang of it...It makes sense, though, with you, since you're so good w/ your hands and are all-round creative. And I'm sure Cadence would love any little thing you might make for her!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarah! You're so sweet. I'm far from making the cute things I'm thinking of for Cadence, but maybe Grandma Sophie can whip something up in the mean time. I think she made the knitted cupcakes, cookies, and strawberries from my youth! I loved them so dearly. I think Cadence needs them for her tea parties. I even saw fabric tea bags in the store just the other week for kids to have the tea in their play time too! So great! Give her a big hug for me!