I love snow, I miss snow, I enjoy snow... Snow makes winter bearable, beautiful, lovely, serene, quiet, gorgeous, different and bright!

It has been deemed Spring here, since well, before Valentine's Day! Can you believe that? Well, it's true. Crocuses are well bloomed and nearing their finish. Daffodils are up and Tulips are on their way. Trees and bushes are budding with leaves too. Seriously, it's been that nice, and not too rainy and too dark with the overcast business either.
Well, we've got some snow as of 2 days ago and some of it is still around! We are expected to get a lot in Southern Sweden by the weekend (Easter!) Here are some irresistibly pretty trees from ourwindows.

Here's some lovely flowers around our kitchen that help brighten the space. Thanks to Doug for buying these at Valentine's Day! They're a wonderful touch to the kitchen, especially when the weather's so gray. They're still bright and blue and lasting! YAY!

I couldn't wait, here is a pick of the gloves and beverage sweater I made for Becki. I love how they turned out. They were tough, and I had to undo portions several times, but I'm quite proud of the Superhero mits and sweater! Hope you like them too Becki!
On the needles are still the
beaded blue socks. I work on them a little most weekday mornings after I wake and while caffeine starts to engage my brain over coffee or tea in that early morning. I trudge on them because I got bored during the heel portion, but I'm proud to say, the heels are all done and now

I'm on the home stretch in the foot part knitting round and round until I get to the toes! I had gotten bored, but now, slowly and surely, I will finish these cuties! I guess I'm a little concerned they won't be tremendously comfy, but we'll see. I'll finish them anyways.
Also on the needles are a light baby blue and navy
t-shirt. Got a long way to go on this one, but I'm hoping to learn, not just basic knitting, but piecing a project together. I want to design a kick butt navy 2-D butterfly to put into the front of the t-shirt. The pattern suggests a snappy clever word, and I love my little mantra word: BREATHE, but I've decided to go with an image instead, so I'm working on a butterfly... I have a long way to go before that needs to be decided though!

And thirdly on the needles is a little
teddy bear. From the same pattern as
Bubby that I mentioned in a previous post, but new yarn, in a cool dark red and bright white super soft acrylic and cotton blend yarn. I'm knitting this in hopes that it'll be ready by the end of the week for Easter. Our nephew, Shepherd is turning one on the 23rd.

And, I have a question to anybody out there who knits. I was balling a hank of cottony yarn when I got it into the biggest of messy tangled messes. Are there any tips on how to do this? I have some ideas for next time, but if I can avoid it, I'd love to! I did finally get this ball of yarn undone and balled nicely, but it took me a good week to unravel!