17 March 2008

2nd to latest finished work...

This here scarflet is my 2nd to latest finished work. I must wait until the end of the week or next week to post the latest since they were a pair gift to my maid of honor for her birthday this week!

None the less, the felt bag is considered done by the directions, but I'm gonna keep going on it, embroider around the handle cuts and maybe try to reinforce the top of the bag to be a bit sturdier... the whole thing seems a bit floppy and weak. :( Pictures to come later when I feel a bit more proud and "finished" with the bag.

This little scarf... I love it. It's stretched a little from wear, which is I guess to be expected. So, I need to move the button over so it sits a little more snug again. But I seriously love this thing! It's comfortable, the extra little "flap" that curves up under the chin, oh man, it's so nice and comfy.

Yarn used: 100% new wool in a fabulous red (that could be felted if I'm not careful)
Knitted on US size 6/4 mm needles.
Found my leather button in town for about 15kr or $2, but well worth the price!

And for those of you craving a hair colour update, here are some photos from about 1-2 weeks ago. I need to take more this week since the tops of my blues are fast fading into a weird pale purple and pink, even whitish in places, like the bleach! so, I try to style the hair to show minimal colour or to show as much of the lower more deep set blue as I can. I was nervous at the start, but now I'm sad that it's fading so quickly!

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