04 July 2006

Independence day

Happy 4th of July my American friends! We had a Sweden day a little while ago, but it was no celebration like the 4th of July! Just an excuse to get a couple of days off of work, ya know? Midsommar was a far bigger holiday with the dancing and the days off and the hoopla. I am missing the general festivity style to the 4th, so I wanted to wish y'all a fun, festive, safe, and happy celebration of the U.S. Independence Day!

I was out on a huge adventure north in Sweden(really only about 4-5 hours north, not even yet by Stokholm) over the holiday with loads and loads of pictures, and really really pretty shots of nature. Apparently, Doug has a relative in history whom discovered a red water lily in Sweden, so we had a bit of a family reunion and a show for this discovery. Really good time; met lots of new people, took a really great walk around the lake and just enjoyed good food and company. More on that tomorrow I hope. Makes me want to do a bit of my own family history research... so family, get ready, I may be askin' some serious heritage questions!

Cheers friends, I hope you have a great holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Hope you had a great 4th of July! Can't wait to see more nature pictures. Miss you.
