Musik: If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies, other random tunes
Word of the Day: svettig - means sweaty
We went for more walks today, but this one was more like a prequel to a bike ride we'll be taking soon. Yesterday was an adventurous day. We bought some touring bikes, and a little bit of gear (a jacket for me) soon another bike lock and some other accessories... like paneers down the road.

I promised pics of there... so here's a load of them. Starting with a great shot of the sailboats in the marina. Next are some locals, wading in the shallow shore areas.
We took a walk out on the pier and the sand, ah, can you smell the fresh seaweed air? and salty sea freshness? I sure wouldn't want to take a dip in that water though, way way coooooold! Like, all year round too!
So, the next pic, I snag of Doug after another angle didn't turn out so well with the sun behind him. But this o

The next couple pics were up a little bit from the water edge. There were these impressive rocks, so we went to see them, and sadly, they were nearly as tall as we expected, but here's a pic of 'em none the

Enjoy the views, and the locals ^_^
Thanks Rachel. Yeah, things are going well. This week, Doug's brother's graduating high school and so we'll help out a little with that party. Biking was put on hold yesterday due to running errands, but tomorrow should be better for that; we'll see. Hopefully something. I don't doubt some ride. Cheers, I'll call ya soon Rachel. Miss you too.