12 June 2006

Mood: Relaxed, chillin'
Music: Latin Jazz, Fugazi, Twin Brakes - Underdog,
Word of the day: Hjärup = the name of a neighboring town, where Doug's uncle Nils lives. Very cute and mostly residential town. For vocabulary, triangeln = triangle.

We went into Malmö yesterday by car to drop of Doug's bro. and friend when we heard they were going to be watching the "football" (that's soccer to Americans) game. Mexico versus I can't remember (and it doesn't matter since Mexico won). So, we got to talkin' about Mexican food, well, Doug and I thought it best we search some out there! We ended up at a quiet little place called Los Arcos and had ourselves a very tasty meal (and expensive by Swedish standards). This is tough for me to spend a lot on Mexican cuisine because I know that's it's not that costly, especially in the States! But it was a good meal, and it came close. We won't be frequenting there, but it was a good and tasty time. Well, this restaurant was located in a little area known as Triangeln, I was gonna call it a square, even though it's called a triangle. Looked like that was more of a mall type building with a hotel next to it (Hilton) and then busy block activity with shops and such.

These pics of trees are from the park I admire especially so that I think Millenium Park could take some notes. This is one tree with a couple takes. I loved how huge it is and the feeling of the shady, rainy like canopy. It's shaped like a giant umbrella the way those streamers of green drape from the trunk and branches. Too cool.

Here's another view in that park with one of many of the fountains behind us. This was a pretty little spot with the pond/lake, fountain, ducks, flowering trees and bushes and the list really does go on and on. There are many other spots that are a bit more tailored with benches, flowers, paths, and fountains, but I think this spot is one of my favorites, along with that tree above!

Here is this fun new bike that I bought. Fun little Trek! And Doug will have ths same kind! (just different size) and we both have Nike biking shoes, and Goretex jackets; seriously, we will be coordinated, and it's funny because it's entirely unintentional. Tune in next time for more biking adventure stories.


  1. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Hey you,
    This is "your pet"!! I took a look at these pictures today and think they are neat. Cute picture of yourself and Doug. My brother's engagement ring came in the mail today. He had it send to my parents' house; my mom just had to try it on. I saw the new Jennifer Aniston movie (called the Break-Up) recently; not sure if you saw it. It was an okay movie, with some funny antics played by Vince Vaughn. Glad to hear that you're doing fine. Keep taking those pictures and I'll talk to you later. Take care, Rachel

  2. I think I'd like to name a kid "Hey You". I mean, it's what they'd be called anyways, right? heh heh -L

  3. Anonymous2:30 AM

    well, it sounds like you're having a good time! make sure you keep taking pictures so we can live vicariously through you. ^_-

